

Maranhos da Sertã

Maranhos da Sertã

Philippine Bridge

Philippine Bridge

Fragas de São Simão

Fragas de São Simão

 Cod three peppers

Cod three peppers


The focus of Santos & Marçal is tourism, with areas of expertise in restaurants, events, catering, entertainment and accommodation.

Founded in 1975 by Maria Helena Marçal and Carlos Marçal, the company has gained a position of distinction and is widely renowned for a high quality of service and excellence of cuisine, from the "Maranhos da Sertã" to "Bucho Recheado", not forgetting the delicious "Sopa de Peixe de Dona Helena".

The company's portfolio includes several venues: the Santo Amaro and Ponte Velha restaurants, the Convento da Sertã Hotel, the Quinta de Santa Teresinha, the Quinta d’Oliveiras and the Big P Nightclub.


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Programa Adaptar

Programa Adaptar Designação do projeto: Adaptar-PME Covid-19 Código do projeto: 72076 Objetivo principal: Reforçar a competitividade das PME Região de intervenção: Centro de Portugal Entidade beneficiária: Santos & Marçal, SA Data de aprovação: 24-07-2020 Data de início: 30-06-2020 Data de conclusão: 31-03-2021 Custo elegível: 7.355,88€ Apoio financeiro da União Europeia: POCI FEEI-Portugal 2020 Objetivos, actividade e resultados esperados/atingidos: Investimentos realizados...


Photo Gallery

A picture speaks a thousand words, but nothing compares to the experience!


Tel: +351 274 600 160 Call to national fixed network | +351 914 491 597 - National mobile network call 
Email: santos.marcal@santosemarcal.pt
Morada: Rua do Convento, 12 - 6100-597 Sertã

Where are we



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